2016年2月22日 星期一

Lime Crime & Sugarpill haul, swatch & makeup


總共買了兩次Lime Crime跟一次Sugarpill,首先是第一次買的Lime Crime。

This is a huge haul and swatch, and some makeup with these products.

I bought Lime Crime twice and Sugarpill once.

First is the first time I bought Lime Crime.

Lime Crime還有一些庫存在打折,有喜歡的趕快下手! 

I bought 5 velvetines and 5 unicorn lipsticks.
The unicorn lipsticks are discontinues.
There are sale for some lipsticks left in Lime Crime.
Get them before they are gone forever! 

下面是第二次購買Lime Crime。

Then the second time I bought Lime Crime.

藍色包裝的霧面唇彩套組(裡面有Buffy、Beet it 跟Peacock),還有另外兩個霧面唇彩。

I bought Venus Palette 1&2, velvetines in blue package (There are Buffy, Beet it and Peacock.)
and 2 other velvetines.


Then Sugarpill.


Bought 4 eyeshadow palettes and a gold loose eyeshadow.

這是Lime Crime & Sugarpill的眼影們合照。

This is the eyeshadow palettes.


The eyeshadow palettes individually. 

Lime Crime Venus

Lime Crime Venus II

Sugarpill Sparkle Baby,這是之前在Beautylish買的。

Bought in Beautylish before.

Sugarpill Edward Scissorhands Palette

Sugarpill Cold Chemistry Palette

Sugarpill Burning Heart Palette

Sugarpill Heart Breaker Palette

Sugarpill Goldilux Loose Eyeshadow


Want to buy this because of this video!


Then the lipsticks!

Lime Crime Unicorn Lipstick 唇膏

上排左到右 upper row left to right:
Coquette, Airborne Unicorn, Chinchilla

下排左到右 lower row left to right:
Mint to be, Serpentina, Styletto

Lime Crime Velvetines 霧面唇彩


 Lime Crime Velvetines dry and you won't feel anything or stickyness.
I like them sooooooo much!

左到右 left to right:
Cashmere, Buffy, Shroom, Squash, Pumpkin, Riot, Jinx, Beet it, Trouble, Peacock


Then the makeup that I used these stuff.

唇 Lips: Lime Crime Serpentina

唇 Lips: Lime Crime Jinx

眼 Eyes: Sugarpill Edward Scissorhands Palette 

唇 Lips: Lime Crime Pumpkin

眼 Eyes: Sugarpill Edward Scissorhands Palette 

唇 Lips: Lime Crime Coquette

眼 Eyes: Sugarpill Sparkle Baby Palette 


唇 Lips: Lime Crime Squash   

唇 Lips: Lime Crime Shroom

眼 Eyes: Lime Crime Venus

唇 Lips: Lime Crime Buffy

眼 Eyes: Lime Crime Venus II

眼 Eyes: Sugarpill Sparkle Baby Palette

唇 Lips: Lime Crime Airborne Unicorn

唇 Lips: Lime Crime Cashmere